Why is it bad to have a mirror facing your bed?

Mirrors are a common item found in bedrooms across the world, but did you know that the placement of a mirror can have a significant impact on your life? In particular, having a mirror facing your bed can cause a range of negative effects. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons behind this belief and provide practical tips for addressing the issue.

The Belief

The idea that mirrors should not face your bed is a common belief in many cultures around the world. This belief can be traced back to ancient Chinese and Indian practices of harmonizing living spaces. In feng shui, a traditional Chinese practice of arranging objects in space to promote harmony and balance, it is believed that mirrors reflect and amplify energy. When a mirror is facing your bed, it can reflect your energy back to you, causing restlessness, nightmares, and other sleep disturbances. In addition, feng shui practitioners suggest that mirrors should be placed in strategic locations to enhance positive energy flow in a room. For example, mirrors facing windows can reflect natural light and bring a sense of expansiveness to a space.

Similarly, in Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian practice of architecture and design, it is believed that mirrors can disrupt the flow of energy in a space. Mirrors that face the bed can cause a buildup of negative energy, leading to health problems, financial difficulties, and relationship issues. To counteract this negative effect, Vastu Shastra practitioners recommend placing mirrors in specific locations to promote positive energy flow. Mirrors can be used to reflect natural light, create the illusion of more space, and enhance positive energy in a room. By following these guidelines, it is believed that one can create a harmonious living space that promotes health, wealth, and happiness.

The Science

The belief that mirrors facing your bed can have negative effects is deeply ingrained in tradition and culture, but recent studies have also shown that there may be some scientific basis for these beliefs. While it is true that mirrors reflect light and can create an illusion of movement that can be disturbing to the brain during sleep, the potential negative effects of having a mirror facing your bed actually go beyond just light reflection.

According to sleep experts, having a mirror facing your bed can cause a range of sleep disturbances, including insomnia, nightmares, and sleepwalking. These disturbances can be caused not only by the light reflection, but also by the electromagnetic fields (EMFs) generated by electronic devices, including mirrors. While the EMFs generated by a single mirror may be minimal, the cumulative effect of having multiple electronic devices in close proximity to your bed can be harmful and may cause disruptions to sleep patterns over time.

Moreover, the harmful effects of EMFs on sleep patterns and overall health have been the subject of extensive research in recent years. Studies have shown that prolonged exposure to EMFs can lead to a range of health problems, from headaches and fatigue to more serious conditions such as cancer. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the potential risks of having electronic devices, including mirrors, near your bed and take steps to reduce your exposure to EMFs. This can include turning off electronic devices before going to bed, keeping your bedroom free of electronic devices, and using protective EMF shielding products.

Practical Solutions

If you’re concerned about the negative effects of a mirror facing your bed, there are several practical solutions you can try.

One option is to rearrange your furniture to ensure that the mirror is not facing your bed. This is an effective solution that can help to create a more harmonious environment in your bedroom. You can also consider covering the mirror with a piece of cloth or a decorative screen when you sleep. Not only will this help to block the reflection of your energy, but it can also add a touch of elegance to your bedroom decor.

Another solution is to select a mirror that is specifically designed for the bedroom. These mirrors are designed to be hung at an angle or to be placed in a certain location to avoid reflecting the bed. Look for mirrors that are labeled as “bedroom mirrors” or “sleep-friendly” to ensure that you’re getting a mirror that is designed to promote restful sleep.

If you’re still not satisfied with these solutions, consider incorporating other feng shui or Vastu Shastra principles into your bedroom design to promote harmony and balance. For example, you might try using calming colors, such as pale blue or lavender, to create a peaceful environment. You can also incorporate natural materials, such as wood or bamboo, into your decor to create a sense of connection with the natural world. Finally, decluttering your space can help to create a more relaxing and peaceful environment in your bedroom. By removing unnecessary items and creating a more open and spacious feel, you can promote a sense of calm and tranquility in your sleeping space.


While the belief that mirrors facing your bed can have negative effects may seem like superstition, there may be some scientific basis for these beliefs. Whether you’re a believer in feng shui, Vastu Shastra, or simply looking for ways to improve your sleep, there are practical solutions you can try to avoid the negative effects of mirrors facing your bed. By taking steps to create a restful environment in your bedroom, you can promote better sleep and improve your overall health and well-being.

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